Analysis of genetic diversity of local germplasm resources for foxtail millet in Gansu 甘肃省谷子地方种质资源遗传多样性分析
Application of Grey Relational Multiple Factors Comprehensive Evaluation in Foxtail Millet Variety Regional Test 灰色关联度多维综合评估在谷子品种区域试验中的应用
The results showed that after foxtail millet were infected with head smut, three enzymes activities all increased significantly. 结果表明,谷子感染黑穗病后,体内超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶活性均显著增强。
A study on protein and fat contents and their interrelation in various varieties of Foxtail Millet in Shanxi Province 山西省谷子品种蛋白质、脂肪含量及其相互关系的研究
Identification and Evalution of Tocopherol Content in Primary Core-collection of Foxtail Millet 谷子初级核心种质生育酚的组分及其评价
Physiological effects of leaf senescence of foxtail millet in different cultivation modes 不同栽培模式下谷子叶片衰老的生理效应
In addition, the research advance on the physical character of foxtail millet is introduced. 同时,对小米物理性质方面的研究进展也做了介绍。
Protein Quality and Optimized Cultivation of Foxtail Millet 谷子(粟)蛋白质品质及其优化栽培
Study on Drought Resistance and Screening of Drought Resistance Identification Indexes in Foxtail Millet at Germination Stage and Seedling Stage 谷子萌发期和苗期抗旱性研究及抗旱鉴定指标的筛选
Cloning and Structure Analysis of Foxtail Millet APDH Gene 谷子3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶基因的克隆与结构分析
Simulation of corn, foxtail millet and pearl millet yields using ALMANAC model in the Loess Plateau ALMANAC模型对黄土高原玉米、谷子和糜子产量的模拟
A Study on the Genetic Diversity of Foxtail Millet Cultivars by SSR Markers 用SSR标记研究谷子品种的遗传多样性
Study on Filtering Microsatellite Library of Foxtail Millet by Anchored PCR Technology 用锚定PCR技术筛选谷子微卫星文库的研究
Genetics, Development and Application of Cytoplasmic Herbicide Resistance in Foxtail Millet 细胞质抗除草剂谷子遗传发育特点及应用研究
Regulation of Foxtail Millet mesocotyl growth by gibberellins and abscisic acid in etiolated seedlings 赤霉素和脱落酸对谷子黄化幼苗中胚轴伸长生长的调节
A STUDY ON IDENTIFICATION OF FOXTAIL MILLET GERMPLASM RESOURCES RESISTANT TO GRAIN SMUT Research on the pathogen of sugarcane smut is aid to sugarcane breeding resistant to smut. 谷子品种资源抗黑穗病的鉴定研究引起的一种世界性病害,严重危害甘蔗的生产,对该病病原菌的研究有助于甘蔗抗黑穗病育种。
Screening of Foxtail Millet Germplasm for Resistance to Grain Smut and Related Peroxidase Study 谷子种质资源抗黑穗病鉴定与过氧化物酶研究
The Cluster Analysis of Foxtail Millet and its Application in Breeding 谷子的聚类分析及其在育种上的应用
039 Foxtail millet varieties were classified with different standards. 对3039份种质进行了不同标准的分类研究;
Identification of Foxtail Millet Varieties Resource for Resistance to Smut 谷子品种资源的抗黑穗病鉴定研究
Resistance of Foxtail Millet to Kernel Smut and Its Genetic Analysis 谷子(粟)对粒黑穗病的抗性及遗传分析
The pathogen could infect sorghum, sudangrass, corn, foxtail millet and pearl millet under artificial inoculation conditions. 在人工接种条件下,病菌可侵染高粱、苏丹草、玉米、谷子、珍珠粟等禾本科植物;
It is important to promote Foxtail millet production and drought-resistant breeding in Shanxi province. 这对促进山西省谷子的生产和抗旱育种都具有重要意义。
Application of Highly Male-sterile Gene of Foxtail Millet to Routine Breeding 谷子高度雄性不育基因在常规品种选育中的应用
A Study on the Cytology and Morphology of the Tetrasomics in Foxtail Millet 谷子四体的细胞学和形态学研究
Drought Resistance and High Yield of the Foxtail Millet Germplasm in Shanxi Province 山西省谷子品种资源的抗旱性和丰产性研究
Studies on Increasing Seed Vigor and Field Yield by PEG Treatment in Foxtail Millet PEG对谷子种子活力和田间产量影响的研究
The physicochemical properties of foxtail millet starch and protein were studied firstly, then The influence of operating parameters on system parameters and product properties was analyzed. 随后研究了小米挤压操作参数对系统参数和产品特性的影响;
Peroxidase isozyme data of 72 varieties of foxtail millet were analysed with factor and cluster analysis methods. 应用因子分析和聚类分析方法,统计分析了选自我国六个粟生态区的72个粟品种的过氧化物酶同工酶扫描数据。